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Santons J. JOUVE

Julien JOUVE


To order, please send an email containing: the details of your order, your telephone number, and any other details on your desired order. Please do not forget to indicate the size of the clay “Santon” figurine, and the colours (if more than one colour). We will come back to you as soon as possible with the price, including the postal and insurance charges. We do not send models of houses, or figurines that are too fragile, by post. Please do not hesitate to contact us, by email, for more information. The payment is to be made by international transfer. We will send you our bank details. After payment has been received, the figurines will be sent by the Colissimo postal service. A supplementary charge of 17,50 euros is added to any payments outside of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). (SEPA include the whole of the European Union plus six other neighbouring countries.)
Thank you

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